What note-taking system should I use? This question is exciting, and there is a lot of content surrounding it. Which is why researching it is so much fun. You see all the fancy note-taking systems everybody is passionate about.
But the question is also a trap.
It has an exciting beginning but can be annoying after some time if you fall into the endless cycle of researching, testing and not enjoying the new system only to research the next big thing.
The problem is that the showcased ideal note-taking systems are not built from a blank slate. Everyone starts with something and adjusts it to their liking. So every note-taking system is highly individual, which might be the reason that just copying a note-taking system is not the way to go. Don’t blindly copy a system which you don’t need.
The perfect note-taking system is simple. Don’t start with a fancy, complex, multi-layer note-taking system with 100 tags. Start small. Start simple.
Collect a few inspirations and build a simple first version. It should be as simple as possible but not simpler. Test it. Use it. Learn with it. And after some experience, tailor your note-taking system to your learning needs.
I, for example, after falling into the trap of endless research and frustration, started with no folders and just a few note types. Area notes to collect and manage materials. Materials notes to save relevant information regarding the material. Simple notes for atomic insights with a reference to the material note. And finally, in Obsidian, I’m using the canvas to map out and organise my notes in a meaningful way.
Add what’s missing in your learning process to your system. You will notice if something is missing. It will get messy. There will be the urge for change and a cleanup. That’s the clue to reflect on your note-taking system and maybe adjust a few things to make it more enjoyable again.
Don’t start with something super complex. There will be a lot of features you won’t even need. It will only get annoying. Therefore, start simple. Have a simple system and add complexity if needed.